
The Eire team are highly skilled in all facets of domestic drainage with a scope of services that include, but are not limited to:

  • New Housing & Alterations
  • Existing Housing
  • Drainage Repairs & Maintenance
  • Soakage Pits 
  • Detention / Retention tanks
  • Septic Tanks & Effluent fields
  • Surface Water Solutions

We pride ourselves on resolving complex drainage problems with sensible, economical solutions, that often Architects and Engineers overlook.

We have a Registered Architect review all plans that are submitted to us for pricing and construction. If we see a better solution, that can save you, the client, money and achieve the same outcome, we will discuss the matter with you.

We are also equipped with the latest technology drainage cameras to diagnose damaged or blocked pipes. They include CCTV Inspections, GPS Locations, structural pipe lining rehabilitation works, as well as drainage repairs, new relays and installations, high pressure drain waterblasting cleaning and unblocking and suction works.

